Just a short note, not much to mention this week. I'm just getting back into the groove of routine work again. It is nice to be in a quiet, reasonably neat home and a quiet routine at work. I have a long report to write, and am trying to buckle down to it; rather hard to get focused after so many weeks bouncing around. Until the end of the year, it looks like I have a lot of writing to do.
I'm paying the penalty for being away from home now. When I travel, it is rather common that my cats and dogs get sick, and right now I have several that needed vet care, total bill about 2500 shekels, or 700 dollars. One cat and one dog had a hematoma of the ear, which meant cutting the ear open and stitching it up again, antibiotics, etc. I also had another cat with severe dental problems, decayed and abscessed teeth. (This is a stray cat I've been feeding, but they always move in when they have problems.) She had a whole bunch of teeth pulled yesterday and has a sore jaw today; I had to give her some milk with a syringe because she didn't want to move her mouth. Hopefully that passes.
Weather is alternately warm and cool, as winter approaches. It's "shirav" today but tomorrow I will pull out the winter clothing. For now, I think I will pull out some loose summer cottons; it will be too hot otherwise.
Speaking of winter, one of my neighbors is going for a nifty solution to heating: geothermal power. There is a company drilling by his house. This company installs geothermal power on an individual house basis; first time I ever heard of that. It looks like a good deal; about 10,000 dollars to do the drilling, and then free hot water and electricity generation forever. Israel sits on the edge of the Great African Rift (that's our Arava/Dead Sea/Jordan River Valley, which continues up through Lebanon, Syria and Turkey). So we have lots of tectonic activitity and hot springs down in the Rift, but I didn't know it could be accessed from a place like Har Gilo. I'm very curious about this. Hope it works, since it's clean and renewable energy.
Not much else and I have to get running with errands.
shabbat shalom,
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